Sunday, 12 January 2014

Lightening my historical baggage

It is said one can learn from history, and if any readers out there would like to learn from back issues of Liberator about what went on in liberal politics not so long ago, I have a number available.

In the interests of recovering my front room from a tidal surge of paper I am about to sling out a lot of duplicate back issues of Liberator, mostly from the last 15 years, not needed as file copies. If anyone wants the whole lot please contact me below but I can't wade through them to find specific issues. There are about 100. Ideally, they need to be collected from me in north London.

If there are no takers they will count towards the London Borough of Hackney's recycling target!

I also have duplicate copies of these booklets published, or in some cases just sold, by Liberator and mostly from the 1980s and 1990s. I'm prepared to post these to those who want any of them.

Please contact me at:

Liberalism and the Left (Michael Meadowcroft) x4
Liberalism and the Right (Michael Meadowcroft) x3
Social Democracy Barrier or Bridge (Michael Meadowcroft) x3
Liberator Songbook 18th edition 
Passports to Liberty 5 (Bernard Salmon and Jonathan Calder) x9
Stamping Out Freedom: The Tories' Assault on Civil Liberties (Janice Turner)
Wasted Rainforests (Jeremy Hargreaves) x5
Liberal Values for a New Decade (Michael Meadowcroft) x3


  1. I definitely feel that these belong in an archive somewhere - particularly the booklets, as I know that the Bodleian has copies of Liberator dating back to the early 1990s.

  2. Always some inspiration among the pages of past Liberators and among the Liberator & friends booklets. I always found the Michael Meadowcrofs repay re-reading, even if you don't agree with all of the arguments. And old Liberator songbooks are always fun

  3. The LSE has a full run of Liberators and the University of Sussex has a large number after Emma Sanderson-Nash took a set of back numbers for her thesis there. This is a job lot of odd back numbers, but they have now found a home with Mark Pack.


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