Friday 14 August 2015

London Lib Dems reveal Assembly shortlist

Those with connections to the more enterprising candidates may already have noticed this, but the party in London has released the shortlist of candidates to be London Assembly members in 2016.  Liberator understands this was due to a delay after one excluded candidate was reinstated on appeal.

The list is:
Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
Annabel Mullin
Ben Mathis
Brian Haley
Caroline Pidgeon
Dawn Barnes
Duwayne Brooks
Emily Davey
Marisha Ray
Mark Platt
Merlene Emmerson
Pauline Pearce
Rob Blackie
Stephen Knight
Teena Lashmore
Zack Polanski

It includes at least 6 candidates from a BAME background and the gender split is 50/50: two encouraging signs.  Most of the names will come as no surprise including the two incumbent AMs.

Notable by their absence are libertarians who have been making a lot of noise about policy in the London Assembly about the stance to the taxi business Uber. It will be interesting to see whether this becomes an issue.


  1. No candidates were reinstated on appeal against the shortlist - 16 were shortlisted in the first place by the Shortlisting Committee.

    (I am RO, Mayoral & List Selections)

  2. Erm, I would like to think that I'm a little of a surprise Mr Epps. ;-)

    That said, I think it is great that we have a good gender balance, and a good BAME presence... we also have a small LGBT presence which is also good.

    So now we're into the actual campaign, and (small plug) if people want to know why I'm standing they can contact me at or at @mark4gla2016.

    Mark Platt

  3. Erm, I hope I can be considered a surprise, even if only a little one. On the lst I think it's a strong one, and great for the gender, BAME, and G of LGBT presence.

    I'm new to all of this, and busy learning as I go, but if any of your readers want to find out more about me then just head over to my website ( or email me at


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